Our Services Veneers

Veneer Procedure

Veneers are most often applied over the front-most teeth to correct stained, cracked, chipped, or crooked teeth. Smaller, more localized problems may be treatable using dental bonding procedures. 

Porcelain veneers are the standard for beautiful smile design. Handcrafted from custom-tinted, semi-translucent dental porcelain, veneers are thin shells that fit snugly and are bonded to the tooth. They will close gaps, repair chips, correct misalignments, and permanently brighten any smile. When designing porcelain veneers, Dr. Hendrix will take time to discuss your idea of the "perfect smile." He'll explain how your face shape, skin tone, and overall appearance should factor in to your smile design. Once you and Dr. Hendrix decide upon a plan, your porcelain veneers can be created and placed in about two visits

Veneer Procedures

Porcelain Veneers

To begin fitting you with veneers, the enamel of the teeth may need to be slightly reduced. The teeth are very minimally reduced, usually between 0.5mm and 1.0mm. Dr. Hendrix practices minimally invasive dentistry, and so will only reduce tooth structure that must be removed. An impression of the area is taken, which will be sent to a dental laboratory to construct the veneers. You will be fitted with temporary veneers until your final restoration is completed.

Next, Dr. Hendrix will carefully check the completed veneers for proper color matching and fit.

During the final placement of the veneers, a substance will first be applied to the tooth and the veneer that will strengthen the bond between them. Next, the final veneers are carefully bonded to the teeth using a strong adherent. The thin porcelain veneers are very fragile until being bonded to the tooth. After they are bonded the tooth lends considerable strength to the veneer.

Composite Veneers

Composite veneers can be applied during a single office visit. After careful discussion of desired results and options for treatment, Dr. Hendrix will help you choose the correct color for your veneer.

The resin will be directly applied to your teeth and carefully sculpted into the desired shape. This procedure is very similar to placing a composite filling. The composite is polished to a fine luster after it is shaped to provide the most life-like appearance possible.

Composite veneers are typically less esthetic and have a shorter life span than do porcelain veneers, but are very good alternatives for many people.

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